Original Surströmming:
Taste Sweden's Traditional Delight!

Surströmming is a unique and traditional Swedish delicacy that has been enjoyed for centuries. This fermented herring is known for its strong odor and distinct flavor, making it a true acquired taste.
Prepared by fermenting Baltic herring for several months, surströmming has a pungent smell that can be overwhelming to some. However, for those who appreciate its unique qualities, it is a true gastronomic experience. When it comes to serving surströmming, there are a few important steps to follow. First, the can should be opened outdoors or in a well-ventilated area to avoid the strong smell permeating the surroundings.
Once opened, the herring is typically served on crispbread or tunnbröd, accompanied by butter, sliced onions, and potatoes. Some people also enjoy it with sour cream or creme fraiche.